The North Berwick Experience

The North Berwick Experience
Photo by Eamonn Wang / Unsplash

Craig and I decided we wanted to start to explore some of the many quaint, small coastal-towns outside of Edinburgh along the North Sea. There are many you can get to by bus or train from Edinburgh, and North Berwick was recommended to us by several ladies at a ceilidh. So oft we went!

The beach was beautiful to walk along, but too cool a day for swimming. We were hungry so decided to see what a Scottish lobster-roll was like.

It was very good, nice big chunks of lobster. But I still say the lobster roll I had in Maine was the very best...ever! Just something about a lobster sandwich dripping in butter on a toasted roll...omg.

I learned some more Scottish geological terms while in North Berwick. We all already know that a loch is a lake, a crag is a steep, rocky hill, a firth is a narrow sea inlet (Edinburgh is on the Firth of's that for a tongue twister?) but I did not know what a law is (aside from what US politicians keep breaking...don't even get me started).

A law in Scottish geological terms is a dried up, very old volcano that was then covered by a glacier. Since we weren't going swimming Craig and I decided to take a hike up the North Berwick Law. It was a 700 foot ascent and, reportedly, on a clear day you could see all the way to Edinburgh.

Well, we did not have a clear day, but the views were still outstanding of the town below and the North Sea. We could also see the Tantallon castle to the east, which wasn't hard to miss, especially since there was a large, orange Tesco a bit in front of it.

We headed home on the train and got back around 10:30 pm, just as it was starting to get dark.

It had been a lovely and peaceful day, but I was still glad to see our sleepy little street and head for bed.

Thanks for reading!

All the best,
