On Walking
I love to walk. When I was working out of town (a lot!) I would call Craig after a hectic day and he would often say to me "after you go for your walk, you'll feel better"; and he was absolutely right. I'm not
I love to walk. When I was working out of town (a lot!) I would call Craig after a hectic day and he would often say to me "after you go for your walk, you'll feel better"; and he was absolutely right. I'm not
Yay! My cookbook, Seriously-Super-Salads! A Delightful Salad Adventure Awaits!, is out through the Blub On-line Book Store: Order Salads are healthy and versatile. You know how they say "you can make anything into a musical" (Evita, Cats, Sweeny Todd, Bye Bye Birdie, Human Centipede: The Musical). You get
Carie, Kiki, Gigi and I had our Sister's Retreat at a lovely Airbnb on Lake George, NY, just south of the Adirondacks. We found out that Lake George is one of the clearest, cleanest lakes in the world, and a really fun place for a fantastic week together!
Craig and I got back from Scotland three weeks ago. Kiki asked me if I had culture shock, which I didn't expect, thinking that our countries were so similar, but I did (am) experiencing some culture shock, and hmm, there are so many more differences between the US
Kamala Harris is being called "the candidate of joy". She must know my friends and family...pure joy!!! And I am blessed... The middle of August, Craig's brother, Bret, and his wife, Lisa, visited us in Edinburgh. We had a lot of fun. Besides giving them
The Book Festival is among the many festivals in Edinburgh during the month of August. Interestingly, (if not ironic - but not in the Alanis Morissette sense, that's just coincidence!!), this post, where I convened with writers, may be my shortest post. However, what I learned, was just
It's overwhelming. Beaches, waterfalls, sea stacks, volcanic formations, mountains, lochs, glens, streams and rivers, quaint sea side towns...oh, and, sheep (we'll get to that). In other words, the Isle of Skye is beautiful and varied and an amazing, amazing hiking experience. Plus, I've
Wonder. Awe. Reverence. Our trip to the Orkneys had a lot packed into a few days, much of which we're still processing. There were many moving parts and quick connections, but we were on a budget and knew there were some once-in-a-lifetime things that we wanted to see
I've never been to Glasgow. I've never even thought about going to Glasgow. I've only started actually spelling it right, instead of Glascow (sorry!). Nobody in Edinburgh even talks about Glasgow. I asked a man at a ceilidh, who answered "why wouldya?"
There are a lot of churches in Edinburgh, but most of them are now community centers, concert halls, office space. There are also castles in and around Edinburgh and, of course, many throughout Scotland. I've made some connections in my mind and I'll attempt, as best
Craig and I decided we wanted to start to explore some of the many quaint, small coastal-towns outside of Edinburgh along the North Sea. There are many you can get to by bus or train from Edinburgh, and North Berwick was recommended to us by several ladies at a ceilidh.
https://youtu.be/EfK-WX2pa8c Craig and I took the train to London for a four day holiday. The train was an easy five hour ride from Edinburgh, and I highly recommend the hotel we stayed in, The Sanctuary House Hotel. The city is amazing. Craig kept saying it was adult