The Edinburgh Book Festival

The Edinburgh Book Festival
Photo by Vishnu Prasad / Unsplash

The Book Festival is among the many festivals in Edinburgh during the month of August. Interestingly, (if not ironic - but not in the Alanis Morissette sense, that's just coincidence!!), this post, where I convened with writers, may be my shortest post. However, what I learned, was just keep writing, keep writing, don't stop. As some of you know, I wrote a 84,000 word book last year, which received a lot of praise and encouragement from two copy-editors, Ann and Michael that just finished reading and editing it for me. So, now I'm in the sending out queries/receiving rejections phase. It's disheartening, but the advice I got from Alexander McCall-Smith (Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency, 44 Scotland Street) was, don't even wait, once you finish your first book, just jump into writing your next, and keep writing!

Me sharing a laugh with Alexander McCall-Smith while he autographed my book. He's very funny!

Which is what Lorraine Kelly has done. Long time correspondent (she covered the Lockerbie bombing when in her 20s) and present host of breakfast TV show Lorraine on ITV just wrote her first novel The Island Swimmer, and is starting on her next book.

I actually only went to see her speak as she was being interviewed by Ian Rankin, one of my favorite mystery writers (Inspector Rebus series, now on the BBC). I've read all of Ian Rankins books, and, while reading them, I would follow the Inspector's comings and goings around Edinburgh, with my book in one hand, and my map on my lap, and that is how I became familiar with this amazing city. But, I was charmed by Lorraine Kelly. She is "Scotland's sweetheart". It was great to meet her; she was kind and fun and inspirational.

Lorraine Kelly autographing my book.

Craig and I were also invited to a cocktail party full of writers, which means I am coming home with a long list of books that I plan to read. Although I would love to stay in Edinburgh longer, the thought of my wood stove this winter, the snow coming down, and a stack of good books is a compelling carrot on a stick.

Thank you for reading!
