Settling In

Settling In
Photo by Kyle Arcilla / Unsplash

Staying someplace else for six months is much different than just going on vacation for a week or two. We're adjusting to things like remembering to look right rather than left when crossing the street, and crisps are potato chips and chips are fries. And, Edinburians aren't as enthusiastic about recycling as Ithacans. Craig did find recycling bins a few blocks away and has dutifully taken our stuff there. But, it's also about the stuff. For a week or two of vacation you can pretty much put up with, let's say, the bedspread being too short. Somehow, every time Craig moves in bed during his seven hours of sleep (which is about a billion times a night) he needs to pull just a little bit more of the comforter off me. I put the kibosh on that problem at home by putting a king size comforter on our queen size bed. Therefore, by the time the busy night has ended, I'm still left with a few inches of comforter that Craig hasn't managed to tug from my tightly clench fist. However, in the UK, sizes are different. So, a king size comforter is actually a queen/full size by US standards. I mentioned this to our very nice landlord, Milo, who laughed and said his wife had the same problem...ha, ha...until he saw the look on my face, sheepishly he looked down, and quietly said, "whilst, I have the same problem." On top of that, the issue with the cleaning lady... I have never in my life had a cleaning lady. I was so excited when I heard that that would be part of the deal...omg! But, she's on vacation for another week...why God, why?? So, therefore, I tried to ignore the uptightly-clean-little-person inside and bite the bullet. I tried very hard, but when Craig said even he thought the place was looking a little dodgy, I had to seek out cleaning supplies and ways to make our sleeping life more amicable.

Ok, after my Amazon freak-out (not going to go into the hell of having things delivered to your 1st floor address when actually you're on the 2nd floor, which I still don't get) and Craig carting broken down Amazon boxes to the recycling bins, I discovered THE JOHN LEWIS. At this point there is a chorus of angels singing in the background:

If anyone remembers the OLD Rothschild's building in Ithaca (before you were born, Charlie!)

M. L. Rothschild Building

It was six floors of total material goods, wonder and fascination. You would take the elevator and inevitably your mother would press floor 3 by mistake, the elevator doors opening onto the bright, shinning and glimmering children's toys section, rather than floor 4, women's apparel. But you could dream about it.

And, dreams can come true....

The John Lewis. Macy's on steroids!!

And sooooo helpful!!!

They did take care of all my needs from bedspreads to measuring cups, from toilet bowl brushes to am/pm clocks. And reasonably priced...except for women's clothing. Yikes, my mother could have saved money by going to the toy floor instead. I did suggest that to her.

We're now settling into domestic bliss in Edinburgh!

Oh, and btw, I LOVE the Castle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!