Lake George: Sister's Retreat '24!!!!

Carie, Kiki, Gigi and I had our Sister's Retreat at a lovely Airbnb on Lake George, NY, just south of the Adirondacks. We found out that Lake George is one of the clearest, cleanest lakes in the world, and a really fun place for a fantastic week together!

It was a beautiful week, in so many ways:

So, what do you need to have a sister's retreat?
Well...sisters, for one thing. But that term can be loosely applied. Sister's are not always by blood. They can be officially adopted, informal adoption, marriage, or simply sisters by love and sheer magnetism.

You need an awesome place with beautiful scenery (check!).

Activity planning:

Lots of goofiness!!!

Fun games to play: I would recommend Quiddler (although Carie always wins. It's not that she just makes awesome words from her hand, but then she'll go and be oh, so nice, and make awesome words from your hand of junk that you just discarded!), also Code Names, and 5 Crowns.

Also essential is good food (especially snacks), good wine (Gigi!!), walks, laughing together, praying together, lots and lots of good talks, rest and relaxation. This year we had a treat in that Carie had just finished writing her book (YES!!!). It's about her great-great-grandmother who survived the Titanic and so much more. We took turns reading aloud to proof-read and give feedback. It's really good, and I'm sure there will be more about it. We only got half-way through, so we'll continue this on zoom-time.
So, what's the difference between a retreat and a vacation, I asked myself? Well...sometimes it feels like a vacation is you're getting away from something. And, maybe a retreat is getting away in order to get towards, if that makes any sense at all. I feel like I got away to get towards a more warmer and closer relationship with these wonderful, amazing women who I call my sisters!

Thanks for reading!
Lots of love,