Dean Village and The Zoo

Ahhh, Dean Village! Only a ten minute walk from our "flat" is the idyllic Leith River Walk and Dean Village. Not at all a stretch of the imagination to see Belle (Beauty and the Beast) waltzing through the village in her layered skirts and apron, one arm circling a basket of turnips and the other hand holding a book, as she sings she's had quite enough "of this Provincial life!". Me, however, I catch myself holding my breath as I take it all in.

One of our quests in going to the Edinburgh Zoo was to see the pink flamingos for Kelly, who, when we first met her, their plastic pink bodies covered most of her and Charlie's front lawn. Both those and the ones at the Edinburgh Zoom were delightful!
We knew the Edinburgh Zoo had pink flamingos because I saw it on a bus.

I'm realizing that most of my information I'm getting now is from a bus. That's how I know there's a new movie out about Amy Winehouse. Or that there's an I-Max called Civil War that has nothing to do with the North and the South, as there are pictures of helicopters and machine guns depicted on the bus. Up until I left for Scotland I was getting the daily NY Times. It was informative, but you had to shift through a lot of not-so-good news (most of it just repeat about what an idiot Trump that really news?) just to get to something interesting. Now that I have absolutely no idea what's going on in the world, except for what I learn from the side of a bus, I have to say, I'm much more relaxed. Is this sustainable? Well, no, I do believe in advocacy for social justice issues, being informed/woke, but in the meantime, we made our way to the zoo...on a bus.

One of my favorite animals, outside of elephants (there weren't any elephants at the Edinburgh Zoo ☹️) are owls. I recently read Jennifer Ackerman's book "What An Owl Knows". Fascinating!
Also, you've got to watch this:
How cool is that???
Friday Craig and I will be taking the Tram to the top of the city, to the Firth of Forth, for Britannia mania!!! See you soon!